Sunday, December 22, 2013

Free Streaming Whip It Movies No Paying Or Survey

Movie Title : Whip It
Release Date : Oct 2, 2009 Wide
Genre Movie :Drama,Comedy
Actors :Ellen Page,Marcia Gay Harden,Kristen Wiig,Drew Barrymore,Juliette Lewis,Jimmy Fallon,Alia Shawkat,Eve,Zoe Bell,Ari Graynor,Eulala Scheel,Andrew Wilson,Carlo Alban,Landon Pigg,Kristen Adolfi,Rachel Piplica,Daniel Stern,Sydney Bennett,Har Mar Superstar,Sarah Habel
Mpaa Rating : PG-13
Plot Story : Drew Barrymore makes her directorial debut with Whip It!, the story of an ex-beauty pageant contestant named Bliss (played by Juno's Ellen Page) who leaves her crowns behind after joining a roller-derby team. While her mother would prefer that Bliss unlace her skates and step back before the judges, the rebellious teen instead seeks the wisdom of rowdy mentor Malice in Wonderland (Kristen Wiig) in learning the tricks of the circuit track. The Mandate Pictures production was written by roller derby star-turned-screenwriter Shauna Cross. ~ Jeremy Wheeler, Rovi


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Visitor Ranting and Critics For Whip It

Critics Ranting For Whip It : 7.1
Critics Percentage For Whip It : 84 %
User Ranting Movie Whip It : 3.7
User Count Like for Whip It : 112,263

Review For Movie Whip It
Deftly moderating her patented eye-rolling poseur shtick, Page delivers her most charismatic and least divisive performance to date as Bliss Cavendar, aka Babe Ruthless.
David Jenkins-Time Out

Barrymore's Irresistible 'Whip It': 'Kansas City Bomber' Crossed with 'Gidget'
Joe Baltake-Passionate Moviegoer

It's just "Footloose" goes to the roller derby.
Richard Roeper-Richard

It's that happiest of surprises: a multiplex movie that genuinely respects its young audience.
Elizabeth Weitzman-New York Daily News

For the most part, the 34-year-old Barrymore, with much of her life spent in front of the camera and more than a few impressive producing credits already in the bank, proves steady on her feet, able to handle curves and straightaways with equal grace.
Betsy Sharkey-Los Angeles Times

Love may be too strong a word, for me. But I'm deeply in like with Whip It.
Amy Biancolli-San Francisco Chronicle

Led by Ellen Page, the movie finds the Juno star playing a slightly less cocksure version of the Diablo Cody creation.
Simon Reynolds-Digital Spy

Juliette Lewis and her crazy eyes pretty much make any movie better.

[Whip It] treats its mostly female cast of characters with respect, and this is (sadly) a rare treat in cinema. Hannah Montana may be this generation's Spice Girl, but Bliss Cavender is the one really waving the 'girl power' flag.
Simon Miraudo-Quickflix

It doesn't reach for an epic scale but is comfortable in its humility, and that makes it all the more stellar...
Felix Vasquez Jr.-Cinema Crazed

Barrymore is just as determined to land some insightful and unexpected dramatic punches as she is with the inherent physical comedy for which the sport is renowned.

What impresses is the girl power spirit often prevalent in Barrymore's work, but also a its sense of optimism and warm heart.
Cris Kennedy-Screenwize

A surprisingly energetic, provoking and entertaining coming of age story.
Wesley Lovell-Cinema Sight

Slight narrative arc notwithstanding, there's a lot of warmth here.
Michael Bonner-Uncut Magazine [UK]

Whip It follows the classic follows the classic tropes of any indie coming-of-age film, big game showdown et al, but does it all so well you'll be instantly charmed.
Sam Bathe-Fan The Fire

Unlike most Hollywood teen product, here fulfilment comes not from what others think of you but from what you think of yourself. In short, it's Girl Power reinvented.
David Edwards-Daily Mirror [UK]

Like the roller derby girls splayed out on the rink, Barrymore's film is frequently all over place but it manages to stay on its feet at the end. Just.
Alistair Harkness-Scotsman

Part underdog sports flick, part coming-of-ager, Whip It! trades on familiar formulaics, yet Shauna Cross' smart script (based on her novel) keeps things fresh and funny.
Rosie Fletcher-Total Film

The picture's heart is very much in the right place, with the characters all affectionately drawn, but boy does it drag, while efforts at raucous humour (drunkenness, a food fight) fall flat.
Henry Fitzherbert-Daily Express

Drew Barrymore makes her directing debut with a join-the-dots sports outing that's so brightly played - and so essentially sweet-natured - that its manifest cliches come up smelling of fresh paint.
Xan Brooks-Guardian [UK]

With Page easily handling what little dramatic weight there is, the support players are free to focus on being funny, and they give it their all.
Paul Gallagher-Future Movies UK

Although there's nothing original about it, and although it's handled competently rather than with breathtaking élan, it's almost impossible to dislike...
Sukhdev Sandhu-Daily Telegraph

Sure, Whip It is clichéd, slight and formulaic, but it still has enough charm and wit to keep us entertained. And it's packed with girl power.
Roz Laws-Birmingham Post

As a sports movie and as a mixed-up teen flick, it keeps taking unexpected turns, and unlike so many in the former genre, remembers there's more to sport dramas than just winning.
Kim Newman-Empire Magazine

If the film were any more brainless, it would be a lump of rock. But if it were any less brainless, it might be less fun.
Nigel Andrews-Financial Times


Movie Images Whip It

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Movie Overview For Whip It

In Bodeen, Texas, Land Of The Dragon, an indie-rock loving misfit finds a way of dealing with her small-town misery after she discovers a roller derby league in nearby Austin.


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