Monday, December 30, 2013

Free Streaming Aftershock Movies No Paying Or Survey

Movie Title : Aftershock
Release Date : May 10, 2013 Limited
Genre Movie :Mystery & Suspense,Horror
Actors :Lorenza Izzo,Nicolás Martínez Zem...,Eli Roth,Natasha Yarovenko,Ariel Levy,Marcial Tagle,Andrea Osvárt,Ramon Llao,Alvaro Lopez,Ignacia Allamand,Dayana Amigo,Patricio Strahovsky,Matias Lopez,Eduardo Dominguez,Gabriela Hernández,Edgardo Bruna,Cristina Sanchez Pas...,Igal Furman,Paz Bascuñan,Vicki Silva
Mpaa Rating : R
Plot Story : What happens to a group of travelers who are in an underground nightclub in Chile when a massive earthquake hits? Hint: Nothing good! R


Best Trailer For Aftershock

TagLine Aftershock The Only Thing More Terrifying Than Mother Nature Is Human Nature

Visitor Ranting and Critics For Aftershock

Critics Ranting For Aftershock : 4.6
Critics Percentage For Aftershock : 35 %
User Ranting Movie Aftershock : 2.5
User Count Like for Aftershock : 6,197

Review For Movie Aftershock
This Dimension pickup is a hectic, sometimes hilarious guilty pleasure that should delight genre geeks.
Dennis Harvey-Variety

Is no continent safe from the blood-drenched paws of filmmaker Eli Roth?
Clark Collis-Entertainment Weekly

Aftershock's best attribute is the disregard it shows for the safety of its central "heroes" who perish in brutal and generally unexpected ways.
Ethan Alter-Hollywood Reporter

"Aftershock" is ultimately predictable in its litany of who lives and who dies, and doesn't try to be too ironic or self-reflexive about it.
Peter Keough-Boston Globe

On the seismic scale of entertainment, "Aftershock" registers a 1.5.
Stephen Whitty-Newark Star-Ledger

A weird mash-up of disaster, horror and dystopia genre pictures, "Aftershock" fails to make the Earth move.
Kyle Smith-New York Post

With a nihilistic ending tacked on because hopelessness is seemingly cool, cheap special effects, clunky dialogue, a bizarre ten-second cameo from Selena Gomez, and some genuinely mediocre filmmaking, Aftershock is too amateurish to be truly awful.
Richard Haridy-Quickflix

It's just one gigantic waste of time.
Felix Vasquez Jr.-Cinema Crazed

a fumbled and misguided mess that not even the infamous Harvey Weinstein could snake-oil pitch.
Robert Kojder-What Culture

Very, very ordinary.
David Jenkins-Little White Lies

It gleefully chops its cast down in increasingly alarming and brutal ways.
Ken McIntyre-Total Film

It feels like overeager tourists playing make believe on the old Earthquake attraction at Universal Studios. The parts that work better are intentionally played for laughs.
Eric Melin-Kansas City Star

The cosmopolitan cast never develops much chemistry, and the script settles into a predictable pattern of gory mayhem.

Was Aftershock just an elaborate ruse by writer-producer-star Eli Roth to justify an extended vacation to Chile?
Bilge Ebiri-Vulture

You just might find yourself rooting for the earthquake to win out in the end.

Ultimately, Aftershock ends up having the nihilistic outlook of Funny Games with the charming international optimism of Hostel.
Kevin Carr-7M Pictures

If you're in the midst of such a massive quake, with destruction everywhere, the last thing you should be doing is worrying about escaped murderer-rapist prisoners.
Robert Levin-amNewYork

If 'The Impossible' was a disaster film for the arthouse, 'Aftershock' is strictly grindhouse. It delivers the nasty goods.
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

Aftershock Is Like Piranha 3D Meets The Impossible
Drew Taylor-The Playlist

You can only listen to so much screaming and crying before it stops having the desired effect (ratcheting up the viewer's stress level) and simply becomes grating.
Marshall Fine-Hollywood & Fine

Supposed to be a subversive hybrid of disaster movies and gory horror, but it's uncertain where the two actually meet.
Jeffrey M. Anderson-Common Sense Media


Movie Images Aftershock

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Movie Overview For Aftershock

An American tourist in Chile and his newfound friends face a grueling fight for survival following a massive earthquake in this harrowing disaster film starring and co-written by Eli Roth


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