Sunday, December 1, 2013

Free Streaming Higher Ground Movies No Paying Or Survey

Movie Title : Higher Ground
Release Date : Aug 26, 2011 Limited
Genre Movie :Drama
Actors :Joshua Leonard,Norbert Leo Butz,Michael Chernus,Vera Farmiga,McKenzie Turner,Donna Murphy,John Hawkes,Matthew Dubas,Taylor Schwencke,Jillian Lindig,Bill Irwin,Alden Rosakranse,Taissa Farmiga,James Noon,Kaitlyn Rae King,Robert Boyd Holbrook,Brandon Boyer,Harrison Basch,Noah Bowman,Booker James Winter
Mpaa Rating : R
Plot Story : Vera Farmiga's directorial debut, Higher Ground, depicts the landscape of a tight-knit spiritual community thrown off-kilter when one of their own begins to question her faith. Inspired by screenwriter Carolyn S. Briggs' memoir, This Dark World, the film tells the story of a thoughtful woman's struggles with belief, love, and trust-in human relationships as well as in God. -- (C) Sony Classics R


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Visitor Ranting and Critics For Higher Ground

Critics Ranting For Higher Ground : 7
Critics Percentage For Higher Ground : 81 %
User Ranting Movie Higher Ground : 3.5
User Count Like for Higher Ground : 2,487

Review For Movie Higher Ground
Vera Farmiga makes a heavenly debut as a director with Higher Ground, a compelling drama about a woman's spiritual journey.
Leah Rozen-The Wrap

The film's quiet realism demands from us our own act of faith: We're asked to watch closely and to listen intently in the promise of a greater reward to come. Well, the promise is partly kept.
Rick Groen-Globe and Mail

Farmiga's first film is good enough to make us look forward to her next one.
Peter Howell-Toronto Star

The film is refreshingly free of proselytizing. In its place, however, is a whiff of condescension.
Michael O'Sullivan-Washington Post

This film might easily have settled for mocking religion. Instead, it's a fascinating glimpse into a culture that forces some people to choose between fitting in and opting out.
Calvin Wilson-St. Louis Post-Dispatch

At times, these analogies feel forced. But give the rookie filmmaker credit for visual storytelling.
Carrie Rickey-Philadelphia Inquirer

Higher Ground is a fantastic debut for Farmiga.
Glenn Dunks-Trespass

Farmiga challenges herself and the viewer. Some may shrink from that challenge, but thankfully, our gutsy director and star never does
Roger Moore-McClatchy-Tribune News Service

Movies don't often show the religious fervor of characters like these with such earnestness, and Farmiga's layered performance helps the movie through some rough patches.

Above all, Farmiga tells Briggs' story with authenticity, going for small, believable moments instead of big dramatic ones.
Rob Thomas-Capital Times (Madison, WI)

A rich, sometimes rewarding, yet deeply flawed work that sometimes gets things so right that it's hard not to forgive it when it doesn't.
Ken Hanke-Mountain Xpress (Asheville, NC)

What makes 'Higher Ground' fascinating is that it also shows how communities like the one Biggs belonged to can also be appealing.
Dan Lybarger-KC Active

A shaky but interesting directorial debut...
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

Vera Farmiga proves herself to be, right out of the box, a terrific director.
Alonso Duralde-What the Flick?!

This cool, calculated who's-hunting-who piece that brings home all the requisite tension, gunplay and fighting with a great deal of cinematic style.
Jim Schembri-The Age (Australia)

Farmiga makes an astounding directorial debut in this emotionally-charged film in which doubt brings challenging questions and faith proves to not be the magic elixir in dealing with life's misfortunes.
Keith Cohen-Entertainment Spectrum

It lubes its audiences' mental gears and sets them to spinning without insulting anyone and without issuing threats of eternal damnation. Subtlety, thy name is Vera.
Mike Scott-Times-Picayune

A dignified and graceful first-person account of how a belief system is created and sustained, and evolves.
Duane Dudek-Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Farmiga has etched something deeply personal and idiosyncratic here: a movie about a character who is simply trying to understand herself and her world -- and that opens up a lot of angst and conflict.

All the performances are totally believable, no-one is satirised, the true faith of the believers is seen in a way as enviable.
Margaret Pomeranz-At the Movies (Australia)

Higher Ground is a delicate exploration of faith gained and lost, told through strong acting and graceful direction by Vera Farmiga.
Matthew Pejkovic-Matt's Movie Reviews

It's repetitious and simply boring for anyone not touched by the holy spirit.
Andrew L. Urban-Urban Cinefile

A dense and sensitive exploration of life, love and spiritual enlightenment
Louise Keller-Urban Cinefile

Higher Ground grapples with weighty issues in a mature and pensive manner, reinstating a measure of faith in the way Hollywood's disciples are willing to tackle this thorny subject.
Matt Brunson-Creative Loafing

...skeptical and yearning at the same time.
Josh Larsen-LarsenOnFilm


Movie Images Higher Ground

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Movie Overview For Higher Ground

A chronicle of one woman's lifelong struggle with her faith.


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