Sunday, December 8, 2013

Free Streaming Turbo Movies No Paying Or Survey

Movie Title : Turbo
Release Date : Jul 17, 2013 Wide
Genre Movie :Animation,Kids & Family
Actors :Ryan Reynolds,Paul Giamatti,Michael Peña,Samuel L. Jackson,Luis Guzman,Bill Hader,Snoop Dogg,Maya Rudolph,Ben Schwartz,Richard Jenkins,Ken Jeong,Michelle Rodriguez,Kurtwood Smith
Mpaa Rating : PG
Plot Story : A garden snail dreams of becoming the fastest snail in the world. PG


Best Trailer For Turbo

TagLine Turbo SLO NO MO

Visitor Ranting and Critics For Turbo

Critics Ranting For Turbo : 6.1
Critics Percentage For Turbo : 68 %
User Ranting Movie Turbo : 3.7
User Count Like for Turbo : 66,756

Review For Movie Turbo
Kids should be game for the ride, and the colourful characters offer humour and poignancy.
Anna Smith-Time Out

After the originality of the hero, the filmmakers borrow too heavily from other movies; the similarities to "Ratatouille" and "Cars" are almost distracting.
Peter Hartlaub-San Francisco Chronicle

the movie seems to understand its own near-abject ridiculousness ... without getting overly nudge-nudge wink-wink ...
Glenn Kenny-MSN Movies

"Turbo" isn't a perfect cartoon, but it's so likable that, like its humble hero, you have to root for it.
Colin Covert-Minneapolis Star Tribune

A derivative but nevertheless good-hearted movie that's peppered with enough clever touches to engage adults as well as moviegoers of the smaller, squirmier variety.
Jen Chaney-Washington Post

A sort-of escargot-meets-"Cars" adventure, it has some sharp vocal turns and remains fun even when its inventiveness runs out of gas.
Joe Neumaier-New York Daily News

Turbo is a very cute movie with lots of great animation and elements that the kids are going to love. It's just a bit hard to swallow.
Kevin Carr-7M Pictures

'Turbo' isn't as original, complex, or humor-infused as a film like 'Ratatouille,' but it's still a solid movie for family viewing.
James Plath-Movie Metropolis

The animated races are fast and fun, the jokes are hip without being too snarky and the starry voice cast is super.
Tara Brady-Irish Times

The graphics are colourful and kinetic in a souped-up computer game sort of way, and there's pleasure to be had in watching the racetrack zoom by at full throttle.
Mark Kermode-Observer [UK]

The racing set-pieces are fizzy enough, but you have to wonder if teaching snails not to be content with their given snail speed is the right message to put out there.
Tim Robey-Daily Telegraph

David Soren and his Dreamworks Animatoids follow the Pixar playbook page by well-thumbed page, replicating the utilitarian plotting and kooky characters that lend themselves so completely to merchandise spin-offs.
Ed Whitfield-The Ooh Tray

The picture has an energy which dares you to confine the term 'snail's pace' to history.
Graham Young-Birmingham Mail

This flashy fantasia attempts to fuel-inject an American dream that is stuck in a recessionary slow lane.
Anton Bitel-Film4

Whizzy and superficial, this isn't the most complicated animated film ever made, but it's a lot of fun if you can buy into its silly premise about a snail who moves at super-fast speed.

Keys perfectly into being young and little.
Antonia Quirke-Financial Times

It's good fun, especially for smaller children, and looks fabulous.
Henry Fitzherbert-Daily Express

A perfectly enjoyable and often funny animation film with a stellar cast behind it, but the predictable storyline and underwhelming 3D effects are a little disappointing.
Jennifer Tate-ViewLondon

A zippy and good-natured adventure that hones in on its target audience from the get-go.
Emma Dibdin-Digital Spy

Fast and furiously good natured, it certainly puts the gas into gastropod.
Elliott Noble-Sky Movies

Visually colourful but narratively bland ... Turbo zips through your brain without leaving a mark.
Amber Wilkinson-Eye for Film

If you want to see Paul Giamatti as a snail - and who doesn't - you've come to the right place.
Nick De Semlyen-Empire Magazine

For a $135 million movie, Turbo is charmingly humble.
Ken McIntyre-Total Film

Though kids of 10 years old or so are bound to love this film (that's what matters, really), sadly the generic, unoriginal nature to this film leaves the adult audience left wanting.
Stefan Pape-HeyUGuys

With a bright production design enlivened by strong 3D, and a simple, likeable story about self-actualisation, it's a slow but sure winner.
Eddie Harrison-The List


Movie Images Turbo

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Movie Overview For Turbo

The tale of an ordinary garden snail who dreams of winning the Indy 500.


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