Sunday, June 2, 2013

Free Streaming The Revolutionary Optimists Movies No Paying Or Survey

Movie Title : The Revolutionary Optimists
Release Date : Mar 29, 2013 Limited
Genre Movie :Documentary,Drama,Special Interest
Actors :Amlan Ganguly,Salim Shekh,Sikha Patra,Priyanka Mandal
Mpaa Rating : Unrated
Plot Story : Synopsis: THE REVOLUTIONARY OPTIMISTS draws us into the world of two 11-year olds with no access to clean drinking water, a girl forced to labor inside a brick kiln, and a teenage dancer on the precipice of choosing child marriage to escape from her abusive family. From these fragile lives, lawyer turned change-agent Amlan Ganguly mines the strength and vision to build a most unlikely revolution. The film follows Ganguly and 4 children from Kolkata's poorest slums on an intimate journey through their adolescence. Together they fight seemingly insurmountable odds to build a better future for themselves and their community, challenging the notion that marginalization is written into their destiny. (c) Shadow Distribution


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Visitor Ranting and Critics For The Revolutionary Optimists

Critics Ranting For The Revolutionary Optimists : 7.5
Critics Percentage For The Revolutionary Optimists : 100 %
User Ranting Movie The Revolutionary Optimists : 4.9
User Count Like for The Revolutionary Optimists : 144

Review For Movie The Revolutionary Optimists
A vital snapshot of developing world struggles and possibilities.
Gary Goldstein-Los Angeles Times

Most people could learn a lot from these little activists.
Stephanie Merry-Washington Post

As heartening as it is to see a slum child tutored about vicious cycles of adversity and using the buzzword "partnership" with aplomb, the film comes to feel cut and dried.
Nicolas Rapold-New York Times

It's a tribute to the power of optimism - and to an inspiring man who's changing the world, one child at a time.
Moira MacDonald-Seattle Times

It's truly something to see these children come into their own, and to bear witness to the undeniable sea change Ganguly has set in motion.
Jenna Scherer-Time Out New York

Change may be elusive, Optimists confirms, but the will to make it blazes.
Michelle Orange-Village Voice

Indian slum kids stand up for themselves in poignant docu.
Sandie Angulo Chen-Common Sense Media

This is the balance the film manages, celebrating the efforts at Prayasam and the successes, while never losing sight of the crises that define daily life for the kids growing up in the Kolkata slums.
Cynthia Fuchs-PopMatters

Equally suspenseful, moving and inspirational.
Avi Offer-NYC Movie Guru

Among that rare group of documentaries about child poverty that does not advocate for anything except hope.
Maria Garcia-Film Journal International


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