Sunday, June 16, 2013

Free Streaming Down the Shore Movies No Paying Or Survey

Movie Title : Down the Shore
Release Date : Apr 5, 2013 Limited
Genre Movie :Drama,Romance,Mystery & Suspense
Actors :James Gandolfini,Famke Janssen,Maria Dizzia,John Magaro,Joe Pope,Edoardo Costa,Gabrielle Lazure
Mpaa Rating : R
Plot Story : Set on the Jersey shore, the lives of three childhood friends begin to unravel when a secret from their past is revealed. R


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Visitor Ranting and Critics For Down the Shore

Critics Ranting For Down the Shore : 5.6
Critics Percentage For Down the Shore : 55 %
User Ranting Movie Down the Shore : 3.2
User Count Like for Down the Shore : 207

Review For Movie Down the Shore
The director, Harold Guskin, and writer, Sandra Jennings, show admirable patience in letting the story unspool, and the actors reward them.
Neil Genzlinger-New York Times

None of it hangs together - particularly as the film heads into his final third, and you realize director Harold Guskin and screenwriter Sandra Jennings don't have a clue as to how to wrap things up.
Stephen Whitty-Newark Star-Ledger

Gandolfini and Janssen dance a delicate minuet around one another, pacing out a slow, quiet revelation of the shared past that has paralyzed their wills to happiness and change.
Ella Taylor-NPR

Costa brings a nice, lived-in sexiness to the evocatively shot setting, and Gandolfini settles into his character with extraordinary skill and sensitivity.
Elizabeth Weitzman-New York Daily News

Brando-wheezing Gandolfini never slums it, but there's still no shaking the sense that a pro has shown up for amateur hour.
Eric Hynes-Time Out New York

Any moments of honesty are immediately drowned out by a blast of heartfelt tunes that assure you the scene you've been watching was significant.
Stephanie Carrie-Village Voice

In terms of pace, Down the Shore walks a very narrow line between deliberate and utterly languid, but there are just enough strong performances and intriguing (if messy) dynamics to make it work.
Simon Brookfield-We Got This Covered

A small-scale, working-class character study that's never quite as nuanced and dramatic as it aspires to be.
Ethan Alter-Television Without Pity

An actors' showcase melodrama that captures [small town New Jersey] as a prison where characters are doomed to serve penance for sins of the past.
Gabe Toro-The Playlist

Down the Shore suggests what might happen if TBS and Bruce Springsteen were to collaborate on a sitcom set in hell.
Chuck Bowen-Slant Magazine


Movie Images Down the Shore

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Movie Overview For Down the Shore

Set on the Jersey shore, the lives of three childhood friends begin to unravel when a secret from their past is revealed


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