Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Free Streaming Snitch Movies No Paying Or Survey

Movie Title : Snitch
Release Date : Feb 22, 2013 Wide
Genre Movie :Drama,Action & Adventure,Mystery & Suspense
Actors :Dwayne "The Rock" Jo...,Barry Pepper,Jon Bernthal,Susan Sarandon,Michael Kenneth Will...,Rafi Gavron,Melina Kanakaredes,Nadine Velazquez,Benjamin Bratt,Lela Loren,J.D. Pardo,David Harbour,Harold Perrineau Jr.,Kyara Campos,James Allen McCune,Tanya Ballinger,Ashlynn Ross,Spencer Miller,Jayson Floyd,Ben Blankenship
Mpaa Rating : PG-13
Plot Story : In the fast-paced action thriller SNITCH, Dwayne Johnson stars as a father whose teenage son is wrongly accused of a drug distribution crime and is looking at a mandatory minimum prison sentence of 10 years. Desperate and determined to rescue his son at all costs, he makes a deal with the U.S. attorney to work as an undercover informant and infiltrate a drug cartel on a dangerous mission -- risking everything, including his family and his own life. (c) Summit PG-13


Best Trailer For Snitch

TagLine Snitch How far would you go to save your son?

Visitor Ranting and Critics For Snitch

Critics Ranting For Snitch : 5.6
Critics Percentage For Snitch : 56 %
User Ranting Movie Snitch : 3.6
User Count Like for Snitch : 60,086

Review For Movie Snitch
The film tries to paint in shades of gray with vague criticisms of the war on drugs, but the absurdity of its he-man Everyman plot ends up turning its moral palette a muddy brown.
Keith Staskiewicz-Entertainment Weekly

Despite its apparent compromises to noble finger-wagging (initially) and requisite fist-pumping (eventually), Waugh has fashioned a sturdy character-first entertainment out of Snitch.

Dwayne Johnson tries so hard to be taken seriously in the ponderous and preposterous drama Snitch that it hurts to watch him in much the same way it hurts to watch the weightlifting competition at the summer Olympics.
Mary F. Pols-TIME Magazine

Ultimately, unfortunately, this is a property that probably would have been better as one of Johnson's old, less ambitious films - straightforwardly violent, and crammed with two-fisted revenge - than as this more polite, issue-oriented thriller.
Stephen Whitty-Newark Star-Ledger

What a pleasant surprise.
Rick Groen-Globe and Mail

When the list of the year's most eminently forgettable films is drawn up at the end of 2013, "Snitch" will likely be near the top.
Tom Long-Detroit News

Although hardly original, this tightly paced story will keep you invested through to the end
James Luxford-The National

A pseudo-serious hand-wringing action drama that uses social importance to disguise its unoriginality.
Eric D.

It's intense and involving from the start, even when it turns preachy.
Rich Cline-Shadows on the Wall

Snitch wants to be Breaking Bad. When the camera's on Johnson, it's just bad.
Charlotte O'Sullivan-This is London

Teeth are gritted, shaven-heads stroked, families hugged, moist-eyes blinked - but it's the sight of big things getting smashed to pieces that endures, and ultimately bores.
Mark Kermode-Observer [UK]

Its smaller, quieter moments instill hope that Johnson can stretch even further and become worthy of much stronger material.
Jeffrey M. Anderson-San Francisco Examiner

Dwayne Johnson tries to flex his acting muscles in this smarter-than-usual action movie, based on a true story that gets under our skin.

Directed by stuntman Ric Roman Waugh, Snitch is also a surprisingly thoughtful affair.
Graham Young-Birmingham Mail

If Snitch ultimately perishes from over-ambition, at least it's an honourable death.
Christopher Tookey-Daily Mail [UK]

Good intentions are all but submerged in nonsense.
Peter Bradshaw-Guardian [UK]

Spurious isn't the word. Po-faced anti-drug film based on the silliest legal loophole ever.
David Jenkins-Little White Lies

Neither clever nor stupid enough to work.
Robbie Collin-Daily Telegraph

Overall Snitch aims to entertain and yank a parental heartstring but events unfold, it lessens the effect and cultivates in a forehead-slapping ending that does raise the odd snigger.
Lisa Giles-Keddie-HeyUGuys

Johnson has the acting chops for this more dramatic fare and the story is exciting and thought-provoking.
Henry Fitzherbert-Daily Express

Consider it time well served.
Elliott Noble-Sky Movies

The script can't quite decide whether it's a serious emotional drama or a pumped-up action flick and it ends up disappointing on both counts as a result.
Matthew Turner-ViewLondon

Overall it's a solid thriller that hints at a life beyond blockbusters for its leading man.
Rob Carnevale-The List

What's undeniably credibility-cracking is the idea of The Rock as an Ordinary Joe in jeopardy.
Simon Reynolds-Digital Spy

Works well as a logistical crime-drama that sometimes veers into far-fetchedness.

[Director Rick Roman] Waugh is self indulgent in his approach to the material, and the dialogue occasionally bogs in preachy rhetoric. Once one moves beyond these annoyances, Snitch works as a simple and enjoyable action thriller.
Forrest Hartman-Reno Gazette-Journal


Movie Images Snitch

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Movie Overview For Snitch

Construction company owner John Matthews learns that his estranged son, Jason, has been arrested for drug trafficking. Facing an unjust prison sentence for a first time offender courtesy of mandatory minimum sentence laws, Jason has nothing to offer for leniency in good conscience. Desperately, John convinces the DEA and the opportunistic DA Joanne Keeghan to let him go undercover to help make arrests big enough to free his son in return. With the unwitting help of an ex-con employee, John enters the narcotics underworld where every move could be his last in an operation that will demand all his resources, wits and courage to survive.


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